
Press Release

Appointed as “SusHi Tech Tokyo2024” ambassador

The Angel Investors Association is dedicated to enhancing Japan’s angel investment environment and supporting the growth of startups. We will continue to disseminate various information related to angel investment, including activity reports, latest news, and pitch event reports, on a monthly basis.

We are pleased to announce that the Angel Investors Association has been appointed as an ambassador for the “SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program,” which will be held at Tokyo Big Sight on May 15th and 16th, 2024.


What is SusHi Tech Tokyo?

SusHi Tech Tokyo is one of the initiatives promoting “Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo” led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It aims to create sustainable new value and address common urban challenges worldwide. SusHi Tech Tokyo fosters innovation originating from Tokyo to tackle these global issues and generates opportunities for encounters with domestic and international startup ecosystems. It is planned to be the largest and only global innovation conference in Asia and Japan, facilitating connections that have yet to be made.

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 グローバルスタートアッププログラム

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Event Overview


Ambassador appointment overview

  • Period of Activity: From the date of appointment to the day of the event Event Dates: May 15th (Wednesday) to May 16th (Thursday), 2024
  • Role: Contributing to the promotional activities of the event as an officially recognized ambassador
  • Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, West Exhibition Halls 1 & 2 (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
  • Organizer: SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program Executive Committe

“SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 GSP” overview

  • It’s the largest in Asia and the only global innovation conference in Japan, aiming to address common urban challenges worldwide and create new encounters with domestic and international startup ecosystems.Scheduled to take place in Tokyo, Japan from May 15th (Wednesday) to May 16th (Thursday), 2024, the conference plans to overcome common urban challenges such as population growth, energy and environmental issues, aging infrastructure, and the preservation of traditional culture through cutting-edge technology, diverse ideas, and digital expertise.Keynote sessions, pitch contests, booth exhibitions, business matchmaking, and other programs are planned to generate “sustainable new value.”

    A diverse range of stakeholders, including leading startups, investors, large corporations, national and municipal governments, and student entrepreneurs, will converge in Tokyo to create business open innovation with significant social and economic impact.

    Event Date: May 16th (Wednesday) to May 17th (Thursday), 2024 – 2 days

  • Main Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, West Exhibition Halls 1 & 2 (Address: 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo) *Hybrid Event – Held both in-person and online
  • Organizer: SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program Executive Committee
  • Main Programs: Keynote Sessions, Sessions, Booth Exhibitions, Business Matchmaking
  • Expected Scale:
    • Total Participants (Online/Offline combined): Over 400,000
    • Number of Exhibiting Startup Companies: Over 400
    • Estimated Attendees from Startup-related Fields: Over 4,000

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 グローバルスタートアッププログラム

Event image


Website/SNS etc.

Event homepage




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Organizer overview

The SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program Executive Committee is comprised of the following organizations.

  • Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren)
  • Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives)
  • Japan New Business Conference (Shin Keizai Renmei)
  • Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Japan Venture Capital Association
  • Startup Ecosystem Association
  • Startup Studio Association



The Japan Angel Investors Association is currently recruiting “Angel Members” for angel investors and “Partner Members” for municipalities, companies, and organizations supporting startups. Membership fees are free of charge. Why not join us in supporting the growth of startups together?

More details are available here →https://j-angel.jp/